NOWOŚĆ! Projektanci Przyszłości - Kraina Rozwoju Twojego Dziecka. Sprawdź więcej.
Szkoła Języków Obcych Bacalarus| ul. Jutrzenki 3, 22-400 Zamość| 846 391 516 790 747 373 | | Pon, Śr - Pt 10:00 - 18:00, Wt 11:00 - 18:00| FB YT

Emmillia Kurek

  /  Emmillia Kurek
Emilia Kurek - Bacalarus - Szkoła Języków Obcych

Emmillia Kurek

Native speaker

I was born in the UK and attended the prestigious Brutan’s School for Girls in Devon. I spent some time living in Italy (where I learnt to speak Italian) before returning to the UK to live in London.

A foreign language for me is…

Gives me opportunities to travel and see the world

I enjoy teaching…

as it means that I also learn every day.

If I weren’t a teacher, then…

I would concentrate on my alpacas.

When I am not at school…

I run an alpaca farm at Alpaki Roztocze.

My amazing skill is…

my ability to grow exotic fruits and vegetables.

I do not part with…

My red wrist watch which I got from my sister-in-law